Michelle Kohler

PAINTER | United States

« Painting is just another way of keeping a diary. ― Pablo Picasso »

Like most artists, my career began as a childhood obsession; An insatiable urge to replicate on paper what I saw with my eyes. My parents, wise enough to see this within me, enrolled me in private art classes in my early adolescent year. After 3 years of private instruction, my desire and progress led me to study for 5 more years at Hugo Naude Art Center in Worcester, South Africa. After graduating, with a new disciplined approach, I felt compelled to pursue structure. Namely, facial structure. So I drew face after face, and attended many live-model classes. After a while, my own perspective began to emerge in my otherwise purist portraiture constructions. This of course came from confidence emboldened by years of disciplined construction. Flashing forward a few years, and a handful of domestic and international exhibits, I am now coming full circle as an artist with my own unique, creative sensibilities-and a portraiture constructionist. My new work captures the subjectivity of shape abstraction and color relationship, along with the disciplined objectivity of human portraiture.

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